Instant Paper House

Research project : Instant Paper House

Project name Paper-based Tiny House
Acronym Instant Paper House
Project partner
Grantor Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
Duration 01.03.2024 – 01.03.2026
Research Field M+M
(E+E > Energy + Environment,
I+I > Information + Intelligence
M+M > Matter + Materials)
Project content The aim of the R&D cooperation project is to develop a cost-effective alternative to conventional tiny houses, many of which are already available on the market. Production is carried out using paper materials, with a planned area of approx. 20-40 m². The construction is carried out by assembling prefabricated paper parts. The aim is to develop a do-it-yourself system. During the design phase, care is taken to create a cost-effective solution for customers with a low budget. The Tiny House is built using a layered structure of individual paper materials and newly developed connection solutions. Particular attention is paid to the almost complete separation of the materials used at the end of the Tiny House's life in order to increase the circularity of the materials.
The project includes a concept and planning phase, the production of samples and prototypes on a small and real scale as well as building physics, static-constructive and mechanical tests. The aim is to scale up to the production of a first demo object.

Model of the distribution of the function modules

Details of possible connections

Cut first concept of the Tiny House