This includes the conception, development and application of innovative processes and methods of production, information and communication technology for the planning, construction and use of structures and their interactions with the environment in terms of the digital transformation of engineering activities. To this end, digital product and process models are networked for the built infrastructure from the planning phase through design and the production process to lifecycle monitoring and deconstruction in order to accelerate development processes, increase the quality of products and optimize production processes in terms of material use, functionality and costs. Furthermore, the digital transformation in production and the circular economy is being investigated: here, methods are being developed to quantify the energy and resource efficiency of processes on the basis of sensor-based data acquisition and to analyze process chains and background systems in a lifecycle-oriented analysis with regard to indicators for climate protection and sustainability.
The goal of the Digital Engineering and Production research area is to systematically develop and expand advances in new, challenging digital planning and manufacturing methods. The research focuses on the sub-areas of additive manufacturing, sensor data-centric system development and system monitoring, digital value chain as well as mixed reality (XR) engineering, data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. To this end, the following activities will be pursued in detail:
- Additive Manufacturing: Development, manufacturing and evaluation of additively manufactured components in various material groups.
- Sensor data-centric system development and system monitoring: development, implementation and monitoring of sensor systems in structures to increase functionality, efficiency and safety.
- Digital value chain and mixed reality (XR) engineering: use of new digital planning and development tools for curricular use of materials in construction (digital identifier, curricular use)
- Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications: Adaptation and use of new digital planning and development tools for construction-related engineering tasks for complex development, planning, and monitoring with the goal of increasing efficiency and depth of penetration
- CO2 footprints and resource efficiency: methods and tools for sensor- and IT-based accounting of production and recycling processes, digital production networks, and for integration into digital lifecycle records of products.
Researchers involved:
- Department of Facade Structures Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack (spokesman)
- Institute of Construction Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Motzko
- Department of Geodetic Measuring Systems and Sensor Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Eichhorn
- Department of Land Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Linke
- Department of Material Flow Management and Resource Economy Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Liselotte Schebek
- Institute of Constructive Design and Building Construction Prof. Stefan Schäfer
- Institute for Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Rüppel
- Department of Steel Construction Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Lange
- Department of Structural Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schneider
- Institute for Construction and Building Materials Prof. Eddie Koenders