Urban Scholar Lab

All students are welcome!


Target Groups: B.A./M.A./Ph.D.-students, Post-Docs on Urban Research at TU Darmstadt.

In January 2024 we will start the Urban Scholar Lab (USL). The objective is to jointly discuss your study or research project in an interdisciplinary setting with interested participants from TU Darmstadt.

What is the Urban Scholar Lab? More than a colloquium or workshop, but a space to exchange with like-minded students and researchers from the vast field of urban research, i.e. urban sociology/ sociology of space, architecture, city planning, geodesy, and more. You can present your work (qualitative/quantitative) in German or English to an interested community within TU Darmstadt. This is a low-threshold, non-graded, and free exchange format. Within this supportive environment, you can strengthen your arguments and insights.

How can I register? If you would like to present your work or join as an interested participant, please contact us no later than January 8, either Felipe (felipe.de_souza@tu-darmstadt.de) or Claudia (ba@ifs.tu-darmstadt.de).

Our first meeting will be held on, January 26 from 9:15 am to 12:15 am. Rooms are to be announced.

Further details on how the sessions work and an example of how to present your work, are outlined in the attached flyers (Flyer_EN (opens in new tab) / Flyer_DE (opens in new tab) ) and on our NUR-website. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.