Please note: If Microsoft Windows is to be used as the operating system, this must also be purchased when buying the computer. The TU does offer Windows licences, but these are only upgrade licences – i.e. a basic version must already exist.
All computers in the TU network must be protected by Sophos software. You can find the installation instructions here (opens in new tab) (you must log in on the WEB page with your TU-ID).
Other basic software, some of which is free, such as Microsoft Office, PDF-XChange and others can also be foundon the pages of the hrz (opens in new tab).
Transponders (digital keys) or conventional keys allow access to the TU premises. These are issued by the secretary's office. Applications for additional authorisation for the transponders must be made via the secretary's office and then the dean's office. As soon as the authorisation has been approved, the transponder can be reprogrammed at a smart relay (e.g. HMZ building or building entrance L5|01).
- The type and scope of mobile working must be agreed with the supervisor. Further information can be found on the central pages of the TU (opens in new tab).
- You can find the form to fill in here (opens in new tab).
- In order to access various TU services from home (e.g. SAP and FirstSpirit), you must connect to the TU computers via VPN (opens in new tab). (TU-ID required)
The Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (opens in new tab)offers a wide range of support options for academic staff.
For example, there is an extra service for lecturers, various training programmes, help with searching for specialist information (e.g. searching databases) and with book acquisition requests. The ULB also has a subject librarian who is available as a contact person for our department.
Further information can be found at: Fachteam Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Kultur und Architektur (opens in new tab)
TUbiblio is the official bibliography of TU Darmstadt. It offers all members and affiliates of TU Darmstadt the opportunity to record and verify scientific work, thereby increasing the visibility of their publications. The bibliographic data can be read out in reference lists on your websites.
You must register hier (opens in new tab) and receive a login to log in to TUbiblio (opens in new tab) and enter your publications.
- TUCaN is the central platform for the organisation of teaching and examinations at TU Darmstadt. Here (opens in new tab) you can find further information.
- Moodle (opens in new tab) is the central Learning Management System (LMS) – also known as the learning platform – at TU Darmstadt. It offers a wide range of functions for creating online course rooms in which learning materials are made available and learning activities are offered. Access is via the TU-ID.
Information on conducting examinations: On the pages of Department II (opens in new tab) you will find general information on all types of examinations. Up-to-date information about details of examinations in the department is regularly sent by e-mail from the study office.
Here (opens in new tab) you will find the link to TU Darmstadt's internal continuing education programme. There are many offers on topics such as communication, administration, law, health, language and IT courses.
All TU documents, presentations and reports must be designed in accordance with the corporate design guidelines. Templates and logos are available Here (opens in new tab) .
Here (opens in new tab) you can find an overview of all committees at departmental level.
There are committees with a decision-making function and committees with an advisory function for the Faculty Council (opens in new tab) .
Committees with decision-making powers:
Committees with an advisory function:
- Lehr- und Studienausschuss (opens in new tab)
- Forschungsausschuss (opens in new tab)
- Haushaltsausschuss (opens in new tab)
- Strukturausschuss (opens in new tab)
In addition, there are other necessary committees, working groups or commissions that act on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the situation. Examples of these are appointment committees, AG Lehre, …
An overview of the committees at university level can be found here (opens in new tab).
Important committees are the University Assembly ( Universitätsversammlung (opens in new tab)) and the Senate ( Senat (opens in new tab) ). In addition, there are other necessary committees, working groups or commissions that act on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the situation.
Examples include the Senate Teaching Committee, Senate Budget Committee, Working Time Working Group, ….
Elected bodies per university election are the
- Universitätsversammlung (opens in new tab)
- and at faculty level the Fachbereichsrat (opens in new tab)
In the University Assembly ( Universitätsversammlung ), the members of the Senate are then elected by their groups according to a procedure that is also centrally administered.
In order to facilitate the flow of information within the department, there is an e-mail distribution list ‘bi-wimis’. You can register here (opens in new tab) ( registration only possible within the campus network). For example, you will receive information from the Dean's Office or the WiMi representatives.
Here (opens in new tab) you can find information on the TU homepage.
The professors of the department meet regularly on the Monday evenings before the respective department council ( Fachbereichsrat (opens in new tab) ), the student council meets weekly on Monday evenings during the lecture period.
The dates of the department council meetings are published on the department's internal homepage. The meeting of the Doctoral and Habilitation Committee takes place on the same day. The meetings of the Structure and Research Committee always take place one week before the Faculty Council meetings, the Teaching and Study Committee always two weeks before the Faculty Council. All other committees are held on an ad hoc basis. Invitations to these meetings are usually distributed.
Submission deadlines for the Teaching and Study Committee, the Structural Committee and the Faculty Council always end two weeks before the date of the relevant meeting. By way of derogation, the submission deadline for the Doctoral and Habilitation Committee is three weeks before the deadline.
No courses are offered at Faculty 13 on Wednesday afternoons from 3 p.m. so that all members of the faculty can participate in the committees,
Anyone who is active in teaching and would like to further their education in this area can do so with the Certificate in University Teaching. The Certificate in University Teaching is a qualification programme for lecturers at TU Darmstadt.
You can find more information at: HDA – University Teaching Certificate (opens in new tab)
Please also inform your employees about the possibility of acquiring the University Teaching Certificate (Zertifikat Hochschullehre) .
Ingenium is TU Darmstadt's umbrella organisation for all doctoral candidates.
You can find more information at: „Ingenium“ – Young Researchers at TU Darmstadt. (opens in new tab)
Please inform your academic staff about the opportunities offered by Ingenium and encourage their participation.
In order to facilitate the flow of information within the department, there is an e-mail distribution list ‘bi-wimis’. You can register here (opens in new tab) (registration only possible within the campus network). For example, you will receive information from the Dean's Office or the WiMi representatives.
…, you must register as a doctoral candidate at the department. You can find more detailed information on the website of the doctoral committee (opens in new tab) .
Christin-Marie Gandyra, Pascal Mosler and Vivien Volland are there for you if you have any questions, suggestions or problems. See also: WiMi – Vertreter:innen (opens in new tab)
Anyone who is active in teaching and would like to further their education in this area can do so with the Certificate in University Teaching. The Certificate in University Teaching is a qualification programme for lecturers at TU Darmstadt.
You can find more information at: HDA – Zetrifikat Hochschullehre (opens in new tab)
Ingenium is TU Darmstadt's umbrella organisation for all doctoral candidates.
Further information can be found at: „Ingenium“ – Young Researchers at TU Darmstadt. (opens in new tab)
SekretariaNet (opens in new tab) is the network for all those who work in assistance and administration at TU Darmstadt.
ATM representative in the department
Claudia Castrillon and Christian Hickel are currently the representatives on the Faculty Council.