Doctorate and habilitation at Department 13

If you are interested in an academic career, you will find information on doctorates and habilitations at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Department 13) at TU Darmstadt here.


The doctorate is an evidence of a special academic qualification.

Decisions in the doctoral procedure are made by the department through the doctoral committee and the examination board, unless otherwise stipulated in the doctoral regulations.


The habilitation is proof of special aptitude for independent academic research and teaching and requires a completed doctorate.

The examination board of the faculty is the habilitation council


Meetings of the doctoral and habilitation committee:

WiSe 2024/25: 30.10.2024; 11.12.2024; 12.02.2025

SoSe 2025: 07.05.2025; 04.06.2025; 16.07.2025

General information

In the Dean's Office of the Faculty you will find the contact persons responsible for doctoral and habilitation procedures.