“News from Earth observation” talk by Prof Dorota Iwaszczuk at the Ad Astra Summit


Prof Dorota Iwaszczuk at the Ad Astra Summit

Prof Dorota Iwaszczuk gave a presentation at the Ad Astra Summit at ESOC on 21 March 2024. The lecture was entitled “News from Earth Observation: Closing Data Gaps and Deepening Insights with Data Fusion” and presented, among other things, completed and ongoing research projects of the group of Remote Sensing and Image Analysis at TU Darmstadt.

In addition to the interesting presentations, the Ad Astra Summit also had other highlights to offer. At a workshop in the afternoon, participants learnt about the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and were able to put what they had learnt directly into practice. In the evening, there was a fireside chat. The topic of the fireside chat was “Visions and preparations – space travel in 20 years' time starts now”. Prof Dr Wörner, former ESA Director General and current Hessian Space Coordinator (as well as former University President of TU Darmstadt), talked with ESA astronaut Dr Gerhard Thiele and Michael Krons, who has worked as a political editor and editorial director at FAZ, ARD and ZDF, about the future of aerospace. The conversation gave deep insights into their view of the current situation and was also very entertaining.