Vortrag : „Toward the Integration of Modern Techniques for Sediment-Related Hazard Assessment and for Mitigation against the Causal Disaster”
Prof. Yih-Chin Tai vom Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering der NCKU (National Cheng Kung University) Taiwan
Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen einer Vortragsreihe unserer Partner-Universität NCKU in Taiwan statt. Alle Beschäftigten und Studierenden des Fachbereichs sind eingeladen.

In this talk, Professor Tai will brief the recently developed techniques for sediment-related hazard assessments, such landslides, debris flows, which consist of estimating the plausible failure surface/area as well as the flow paths of the released mass. In addition to the theoretical modeling works, a GPU-accelerated simulation tool is introduced for mimicking the subsequent flow paths, where the input and output data are linked to a 3D user-interactive illustration system for investigating various scenarios.
Date: November 22nd (Mon)
Time: 4:30-5:30pm Taiwan Time; 9:30-10:30am Germany Time
Topic: Toward the Integration of Modern Techniques for Sediment-Related Hazard Assessment and for Mitigation against the Causal Disaster
Speaker: Yih-Chin Tai, Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Webex Link: https://nckucc.webex.com/nckucc/j.php?MTID=mdda239ba2c46a6b280e4d8c25640cbd1
You can find the whole program (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) here