Last Call to apply for Unite!4Future
Share your vision of the university of the future and win a trip to Grenoble!
Gather a team of students in Unite! universities, prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future, send it to us before the 15th of May and compete with other teams to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Grenoble INP |UGA for the Unite!4Future Week.

The Unite!4Future Programme's main goal is to attract the participation of students from the seven alliance partner universities with the aim of calling for creative ideas about what can be expected at a university of the future. With a competition format, in a bottom-up approach, Unite!4Future will enable student participation by presenting concrete, original and implementable ideas that bring added value for all Unite! community. The projects are non-academic, but related to all other aspects of university student experience and daily life on campus.
Your ideas must address at least one of the following topics:
Diversity and inclusion – in this topic your idea or project can address issues as Disabilities, Disadvantages, Difficulties, etc.
Environment and sustainability – in this topic your idea or project can address issues as skills and attitudes on climate change and sustainable development, enable behavioral changes, cultural values and awareness for sustainable development, consumption habits, and lifestyles, etc.
Academic experience, Mobility and Languages – in this topic your idea or project can address issues on intercultural activities, welcoming and onboarding projects for new students, etc.
Digitalization – in this topic your idea or project can address issues as digital skills and app
development competency, etc.
Here's the compilation video of some of the moments from the Unite!4Future Week in Lisboa.
The winning team of the Unite!4Future 1st Call, presented the project proposal of „Akamu“ and during their week in ULisboa they were able to work on the future steps in order to implement their project within Unite!