Unite! VECP on Architecture Engineering
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Unite! VECP on Architecture Engineering is a Virtual Exchange Credit Program (VECP) in Unite! – the University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering. Students in Architecture and Civil engineering from Aalto-yliopisto and Technical University of Darmstadt can select one or more online courses offered by the other universities and gain credits.

Level: Master of Science in Architecture/ Civil Engineering
• Period: starting autumn/winter 2022
• Language of instruction: English
• Mode of Instruction: Virtual
Topics: Architecture, Engineering, Digital Design and Construction, Sustainability, Advanced Manufacturing, Energy Efficiency, Parametric Design, Structural Design Summary of Courses offered
When reading the course information below, please pay attention to the different academic calendars, day and hour of the course and the course requirements. If you have questions on whether the course fits your study plan, please contact your professors or an academic advisor at your home institution.
For more information, please see the flyer enclosed or visit the website: https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/studieren/studierende_tu/auslandsaufenthalte/austauschprogramme_outbound/standardseite_307.de.jsp
Application deadline: june 28th