Site plan
How to reach us

Whether you arrive by car or public transport, we are happy to help you find your way to us in an uncomplicated way.

Directions from the A5 to Lichtwiese
Directions from the A5 to Lichtwiese

Arrival by car

Coming from the A5 or A67 freeway from the direction of Frankfurt / Cologne or Heidelberg / Basel, take the exit “Darmstadt – Stadtmitte”, follow the “Rheinstraße” and pass through the Citytunnel. In the Citytunnel keep left. Then follow the signs “TU Darmstadt – Lichtwiese” or “Aschaffenburg”.

The building L5|06 is located parallel to the access road (Eugen-Kogon-Straße) and is the building at the blue gantry crane on the right side.

Parking is available along Eugen-Kogon-Straße and in the designated parking areas of the Lichtwiese campus.

Overview map Lichtwiese
Overview map Lichtwiese

Arrival by public transport

Get off at Darmstadt main station, take tram line “2” at the station forecourt and get off at the terminal stop “TU-Lichtwiese/Campus”. After getting off, you can already see the new civil engineering building (see below) (walking distance approx. 50m).

Alternatively, the Lichtwiese can also be reached via the Odenwaldbahn / VIAS (line 81/82, Erbach – Frankfurt a. Main). The stop where you have to get off is called “Darmstadt TU-Lichtwiese Bahnhof”.

visiting address
Darmstadt University of Technology
department 13
working group PEK
building L5|06, Room 103 and 109
Franziska-Braun-Strasse 3
64287 Darmstadt
postal address
Darmstadt University of Technology
department 13
working group PEK
Franziska-Braun-Strasse 3
P.O. Box 10 06 36
64206 Darmstadt
postal address (packages)
Darmstadt University of Technology
department 13
working group PEK
Central Mailroom Lichtwiese
Alarich-Weiss-Strasse 4
64287 Darmstadt