What is IBPU?
In IPBU, students work within project groups on a project task assigned to them of a construction and/or planning project (infrastructure project or engineering structure) in the Rhine-Main region that is as real as possible.
A project group consists of various specialist roles which can be chosen by the students at the beginning of each semester. The necessary specialist knowledge as well as concrete boundary conditions are contributed by the courses already completed in the Bachelor's program and the supervising specialist areas by means of regular consultation hours.
Aims of the course
IPBU is designed to provide insight into work processes and typical projects. Through these insights gained during the course, the main objectives for the students are:
- to recognize typical work processes for civil and environmental engineers,
- to communicate and cooperate within teams (group work),
- to develop and apply project-related technical knowledge,
- to investigate alternative solutions to open questions,
- to evaluate alternatives independently and decide between alternatives,
- to deal with extra-disciplinary, interdisciplinary restrictions,
- to present and defend own results in an appropriate form,
- to work on a task in a group independently
- and to develop own initiative.
Students of civil engineering, environmental engineering and industrial engineering with the technical specialization of civil engineering work together on the project assignment given to them and thus learn how important the cooperation of different disciplines is for the successful processing of a complex project.
In addition, many projects are also worked on with other departments, for example, regularly in cooperation with the Department of Architecture and the HDA.
Project group meetings, office hours and interim presentations
Project group meetings
During regular project group meetings, students from different subject roles work together on the task assigned to them.
Consultation hours
During the consultation hours offered by the supervising institutes, students can ask subject-specific questions to the mentors.
Interim presentations
In each project, the current status of work is reviewed with the mentors in the form of one or more interim presentations.
Workshops and excursions
Introduction to the project work
At the beginning of the semester, the staff of the AG PEK offers the course “Introduction to Project Work”. Here, contents from the module GPEK are repeated in order to give the students a basis for effective and efficient cooperation.
Depending on the project and the institute, an excursion is offered once during the semester in accordance with the topic of the project.
Projects of previous semesters
Winter semester 2021/2022

Building bridges – a new beginning on the Ahr
Winter semester 2018/2019

A bridge made of paper – planning, design & construction of a paper bridge for the Darmstadt Botanical Garden