Master of Science Bauingenieurwesen - Civil Engineering (bilingual) starting WiSe 21/22

The two-year (four semesters) Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme Bauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering (bilingual) at Technische Universität Darmstadt qualifies you for international work as an engineer with an interdisciplinary orientation.

If you are already a graduate of a university study programme (Bachelor’s degree or Diplom) or a comparable study programme (e.g. from a foreign educational institution) in the field of civil engineering or related areas and would like to expand and deepen your knowledge, then our bilingual Master of ScienceBauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering is just right for you.

A particular focus of the course programme is interdisciplinary and international cooperation beyond the boundaries of the individual disciplines. In the first year, you will study predominantly (or entirely, if you wish) English-language modules, and in the second year German-language modules as well.

A degree opens up diverse and excellent opportunities in the international professional world or the basis for a doctorate and a research career.

In the four-semester course of study, you will deepen the skills you have learned so far in the field of Civil Engineering from a perspective of natural and engineering science. The ability to recognise and solve technical problems and tasks in their complexity determines your studies as much as the development of new types of problem solutions.

The ability to be willing to engage in interdisciplinary and international cooperation beyond professional, administrative and political boundaries is just as omnipresent as the ability to weigh up different solutions, explain them objectively and understandably, make decisions and justify them.

The Master of Science in Bauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering is designed for two years or four semesters. You need to achieve a total of 120 credit points.

A guideline for estimating the scope: most modules are designed for 6 CP. Thus, an average of 30 CP is to be acquired per semester.

The programme is bilingual. The first two semesters are recommended predominantly in English.

To complete the degree, it is mandatory to complete modules worth 42 Credits each in German and English. 36 Credits can be chosen freely regarding the language of tuition. It is not possible to obtain the degree only by completing modules in one language.

Benefit from the internationality of the programme, which multiplies your opportunities on the international market and offers students from abroad a perfect entry into the German labour market.

We offer you a wide range of options to design your study plan according to your wishes. See here an exemplary schematic of what your Master’s programme could look like.

Overview of the structure of the Master’s programme

Semester course and examination schedule

We offer you a wide range of choices when compiling your semester course and examination schedule. Three research subjects can be taken, one of which is selected as a research specialisation subject and is continued through to the Master’s thesis. Elective modules for subject-specific specialisation or expansion of the range of topics complement the curriculum.

  • Building Construction and Building Physics
  • Materials Technology and Restoration
  • Construction, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Facilities
  • Planning, Design and Operation of Transport Facilities
  • Construction Technologies and Management
  • Construction Mechanics
  • Geotechnics
  • Water Management
  • Hydraulic Engineering
  • Sanitary Engineering
  • Glass Structures & Facade Technology
  • Solid Construction
  • Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering
  • Steel Construction
  • Structural Analysis
  • Structural (Health) Monitoring and -dynamic
  • Environmental, Spatial and Infrastructure Planning
  • Real Estate Valuation

With the Master's thesis you show that you can independently apply the knowledge acquired in the modular course of study. On your way to this goal you will be supervised by a mentor who will provide you with professional support.

The details of the degree programme can be found in the Degree programme guidelines/Study regulations (opens in new tab) as well as in the Module handbook (opens in new tab) .

Within the framework of the study regulations, students can arrange their Master of Science Bauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering flexibly and individually by using the following options:

  • The elective areas (42 CP) can be designed very freely and interdisciplinarily.
  • The student can select the topic for the Master’s thesis as per the student’s own interest. Due to the scope of the work (24 CP, approx. 6 months duration), it can also be worked on at a foreign partner university.
  • You can have credit points earned at other universities, national or international, recognised if they are equivalent. Studying internationally

This flexibility allows students to set up their own individual study plans. It is done in consultation with and advised by the assigned mentors. This ensures the suitability of the curriculum for academic and scientific qualification in accordance with the objectives of the programme

Admission and Application

For admission to the M.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering,international students need a language certificate for English at C1 level (here you can find an equivalence list of the language classifications).

Good German language skills are expected for studying at the department. The C1 level should be reached by the beginning of the third semester at the latest.

Information on application and admission can be found on the main pages of the TU.