Information for International Students

Welcome to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at TU Darmstadt! We are pleased that you have chosen to study at our department and wish you a successful and enjoyable stay!

General Information

Institutes and Chairs of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

All institutes and Chairs of the departement


Study Programs of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Contents of all degree programmes


M. Sc. Civil Engineering

The department of civil and environmental engineering offers a bilingual masters degree


Departmental questions:Studienbüro ” (Office for Student Affairs)

Information for Students

  • Service and advice for students
  • Questions concerning TUCaN
  • Registration for thesis
  • Sickness notifications (cancellations of examinations)
  • Transcript of Records

Information for Applicants

You would like to apply for one of our Master degree programs? For general questions on application, admission, and enrolment, please contact the International Admission of TU Darmstadt. Here you will also find information on deadlines and required documents. For the application please fill out the corresponding Competence Statement for the Application and send it to


A lot of information on scholarship searches can be found here . At TU Darmstadt, international students can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium and, in the final phase, for a graduation scholarship. Both are not full scholarships and are only paid out for a limited time. It is therefore advisable to apply to scholarship providers in your home country, e.g. the DAAD, or to look into other financing options.

Please see TU Darmstadt’s central information for incoming students regarding

  • Application process
  • Language requirements
  • Accommodation
  • Student card and public transport
  • Health insurance

Please contact the office for Student affairs (Studienbüro) for questions regarding the department, such as:

  • Service and advice for exchange students
  • Study program
  • Learning agreement and credit points
  • Transcript of records

You are planning to study in English?

Please have a look at the current overview of our English taught courses winter term – summer term (please see below: Module and Courses ).

Modules and Courses

At TU Darmstadt, the offered courses are organized in modules:

  • A module consists of one or more courses.
  • A course is always part of a module (and can be part of various modules).
  • A course for example can be a lecture (“Vorlesung” –vl), a practical course (“Übung” –ue), or a seminar (“Seminar” –se).

Students only get a grade when they finish the whole module. A module consists of one or more courses as well as examinations. So please register for every module, every course of the module, and the examinations on TUCaN. If you register for a module you are not automatically registered for the associated examination.

Please consider that the language of instruction at the department is usually German. Courses taught in English can be found below.

For exchange students we offer the “International Research Project” (opens in new tab) at master level. Students work on a given topic largely independently using engineering methods. The results are presented in a scientifically correct manner in written and oral form.

  • 12 CP
  • Taught in English
  • Module number: 13-01-M007

Language Courses and Orientation

The international student service invites you to join X-Weeks and the Kick-Off Days with different online activities. Please check the ISS website for updated information.


This program aims to enable undergraduate and graduate students from TU Darmstadt's partner universities in the USA and Canada to:

  • Acquire an insight in research in your field through active participation
  • Gain intercultural experience
  • Transfer credit points home

More information here

For information considering students with refugee background, please see the Coordinating Center for Refugee Integration (Zentrale Koordinierungsstelle für Flüchtlingsintegration)


  • The academic year consists of two terms/semesters called “Wintersemester” and “Sommersemester”. The winter semester courses start in mid-October and end by mid-February. The summer semester courses start in mid-April and end by mid-July. The so-called „vorlesungsfreie Zeit“ (semester break) is used to take exams, finish term papers, go on excursions, enroll in practical courses and prepare for the upcoming term.
  • In order to give you a good start to your studies, we have collected bundled and detailed information about the start of the semester.
  • At the beginning of your stay, it is important that you choose your modules and courses in the campus management system of TU Darmstadt TUCaN (for more information please see below).
  • Course calendars are online by September 15th for winter term and by March 15th for summer term.
  • Here you find our department’s module manuals (scroll down to the end of the webpage).
  • Please consider that the language of instruction at the department is usually German. You are planning to study in English? Please have a look at the current overview of our English taught modules. It also contains information on the type of examination.

Choice of Modules and Exams

At TU Darmstadt, the offered courses are organized in modules:

  • A module consists of one or more courses.
  • A course is always part of a module (and can be part of various modules).
  • A course for example can be a lecture (“Vorlesung” –vl), a practical course (“Übung” –ue), or a seminar (“Seminar” –se).

Students only get a grade when they finish the whole module. A module consists of one or more courses as well as examinations. So please register for every module, every course of the module, and the examinations on TUCaN. If you register for a module you are not automatically registered for the associated examination.

Examinations take place between mid February and End of March (winter semester) or mid of June and End of September (summer semester)


TUCaN is the central organizing system for courses and examinations at TU Darmstadt. On TUCaN you can find out who will teach the course, what the course is about and where and when the course takes place.

  • With TUCaN you register for modules, courses and examinations, access materials for seminars and lectures and you also find your grades.
  • A module can contain several courses and so, several examinations. To get a grade at TU Darmstadt, you need to finish the entire module and pass all examinations.
  • Please note that there are specific deadlines for the registration/cancellation for modules and registration for examinations in TUCaN is mandatory!
  • Please have a look at the FAQ for TUCaN

Registration Process via TUCaN

  • Register for a module (at the beginning of the semester)
  • Register for a course (at the beginning of the semester)
  • Register for an exam (special registration period)
  • Taking an exam without registration in the module and the for the exam is not possible!

Grades and Documents

  • After completing the examinations, you will receive a transcript of records.
  • Please be aware, that it can take up to 8 weeks after an exam for your final grades to be entered into the TUCaN system.
  • We will send the transcript of records to your home university.

General Information on Preparation, Arrival and Orientation

  • For general questions (student card, health insurance…) please contact the International Student Services (ISS)
  • TU Darmstadt offers online orientation and language courses for international students:
    • In the beginning of the semester the International Student Services offers the X-Weeks (Experience Weeks) to exchange students and the Kick-Off Days to all international students. During these orientation programs, student tutors support you in organizing your stay and you get the possibility to participate in many different online activities. You will also get help with arrangements to be made in order to be able to begin your studies such as TU-ID, student email-address, Athena Card, TUCaN (please see section above). Please check the ISS website for updated information.
    • International Student Service ISS

Language Courses

  • The Language Resource Center of TU Darmstadt offers regular and intensive language courses.
  • Please note that you have to register and take a placement test before signing up for courses.


  • The Sprachencafé offers a platform for students interested in languages, culture and people of all nationalities. It is a weekly gathering in cozy atmosphere. There is no registration required, you can come by whenever you prefer. Meetings are organized in a Facebook group that you are welcome to join.
  • The Sprachencafé is currently online – every Thursday 5 to 8 p.m at their Discord channel
Modul-No. Name of Module Course(s) of Module Credits Module Description and (recommended) requirements
13-D3-M020 Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials 13-D3-0022-vl
Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials

Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials -Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D1-M008 Green Building Design II 13-D1-0017-vl
Green Building Design II
Green Building Design II – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-A0-J001 Urban Construction Technologies 13-A0-J001-se
Urban Construction Technologies
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-M4-M003 Facade Technology II 13-M4-0003-vl
Facade Technology II

Facade Technology II – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-M0-M001 Glass and Facade Project 13-M0-0002-vl
Glass and Facade Project

Glass and Facade Project – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J2-M019 Management of Traffic Infrastructure I 13-J2-0019-vl
Management of Traffic Infrastructure I

Management of Traffic Infrastructure I – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J2-M021 Specialization in Road Construction 13-J2-0021-vl
Specialization in Road Construction
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-C0-M002 Geotechnics IV 13-C0-0015-vl
Geotechnics IV

Geotechnics IV -Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K8-M001 Pollutants in the Water Cycle 13-K8-0001-vu
Pollutants in the Water Cycle: Sources and Fate in the Aquatic Environment
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K4-M007 Infrastructure Planning 13-B2-J006-se
Economic Assessment Methods

System of Infrastructure
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D2-M015 Masonry Structures and Special Topics of Concrete Construction 13-D2-0012-vl
Masonry Structures and Special Topics of Concrete Construction

Masonry Structures and Special Topics of Concrete Construction – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-F0-M004 Engineering Informatics II 13-F0-0012-vl
Engineering Informatics II

Engineering Informatics II – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J0-M003 Air Transport I 13-J0-0005-vl
Air Transport I

Air Transport I – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J3-M001 Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering I 13-J3-0005-vl
Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering I

Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering I – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-M2-M004 Structural Analysis IV 13-M2-0007-vl
Structural Analysis IV

Structural Analysis IV – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-B1-M055 Structural Monitoring I 13-B1-0055-vl
Structural Monitoring I

Structural Monitoring I – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-02-M007 Project Geodetic Metrology 13-02-0013-pj
Project Geodetic Metrology
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K4-M004 International Spatial Development and Planning 13-K4-0011-se
International Spatial Development and Planning
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D3-M004 Special Concretes 13-D3-0008-vl
Special Concretes

Special Concretes – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K3-M008 Environmental Sciences 13-K3-0004-vl
Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-G0-M013 Remote Sensing II 13-G0-0001-vl
Remote Sensing II

Remote Sensing II – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-M2-M011 Glass and Polymers II: Mechanics of Polymers 13-M2-0019-vl
Glass and Polymers II: Polymer Mechanics

Glass and Polymers II: Polymer Mechanics – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K6-M002 Mathematical Simulation in Wastewater Treatment 13-K6-0002-se
Mathematical Simulation in Wastewater Treatment
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K3-J021 Sustainable Waste Management and Life Cycle Assessment Application 13-K3-0021-vl
Sustainable Waste Management and LCA Application

Sustainable Waste Management and LCA Application – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-E2-M003 Continuum Mechanics II 13-E2-0006-vl
Continuum Mechanics II (Material Theory)

Continuum Mechanics II (Material Theory) -Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K6-M001 Applied (Environmental) Microbiology for Engineers 13-K6-0001-se
Applied (Environmental) Microbiology for Engineers
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-M2-M010 Spatial Structures 13-M2-0001-vl
Spatial Structures

Spatial Structures -Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-B1-M015 Structural Monitoring II 13-B1-0042-vl
Structural Monitoring II

Structural Monitoring II -Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D3-M016 Building Chemistry 13-D3-0012-vl
Building Chemistry

Building Chemistry -Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J2-M007 Bearing Behaviour of Traffic Superstructures 13-J2-0016-vl
Bearing Behaviour of Traffic Superstructures
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J0-M009 Air Transport II 13-J0-0004-vl
Air Transport II
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-C0-M003 Geotechnisches Praktikum und Projektseminar I 13-C0-0017-se Geotechnical Project Seminar I

13-C0-0040-pr Geotechnisches Praktikum I
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-E2-M016 Analytische Mechanik 13-E2-0016-vl Analytische Mechanik

13-E2-0016-ue Analytische Mechanik – Übung
13-E1-M019 Computational Plasticity 13-E1-0019-vu Computational Plasticity 6
13-H0-M041 Integrated Navigation 3
13-H0-M044 Satellite Geodesy 13-H0-0044-vl Satellite Geodesy

13-H0-0044-ue Satellite Geodesy – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-E2-M018 Einführung in die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie 13-E2-0018-vl Einführung in die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie 3
Modul-No. Name of Module Course(s) of Module Credits Module Description and (recommended) requirements
13-02-J001 Urban Development and Architecture of Cities 13-B2-J005-se
Urban Structures

Typology of Buildings
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-A0-M001 Construction Technologies and Management III 13-A0-0003-vu
Construction Technologies and Management III
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-B2-J001 German Law of Property and Planning 13-B2-J001-se
German Law of Property and Planning
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-B2-J002 Methodology of Empirical Analysis 13-B2-J002-se
Methodology of Empirical Analysis
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-C0-M001 Geotechnics III 13-C0-0011-vl
Geotechnics III

Geotechnics III – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-C0-M004 Geotechnisches Praktikum und Projektseminar II 13-C0-0018-se Geotechnical Project Seminar II

13-C0-0039-pr Geotechnisches Praktikum II
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-C0-M025 Energy technologies in civil engineering and architecture 13-C0-0038-vl
Energy technologies in civil engineering and architecture
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-C0-M041 Numerical Simulations in Geotechnical Engineering 13-H0-0007-vl Numerical Simulations in Geotechnical Engineering

13-H0-0008-ue Numerical Simulations in Geotechnical Engineering – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D2-M005 Prestressed Concrete Structures 13-D2-0018-vl
Prestressed Concrete Structures

Prestressed Concrete Structures – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D3-M001 Advanced Building Physics 13-D3-0002-vl
Advanced Building Physics

Advanced Building Physics – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-D3-M006 Concrete Durability 13-D3-0009-ue
Concrete Durability -Exercise

Concrete Durability
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-E1-M004 Micromechanics 13-E1-0013-vl Micromechanics

13-E1-0014-ue Micromechanics – Exercise
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13-E2-M001 Theory of Plasticity (Mechanics) 13-E2-0010-vl
Theory of Plasticity

Theory of Plasticity – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-E2-M002 Continuum Mechanics I 13-E2-0004-vl Continuum Mechanics I

13-E2-0005-ue Continuum Mechanics I – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-E2-M018 Einführung in die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie 13-E2-0018-vl Einführung in die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie 3 more info
Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-F0-M003 Engineering Informatics I 13-F0-0009-vl
Engineering Informatics I

Engineering Informatics I – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-G0-M006 Photogrammetric Computer Vision 13-G0-0025-vl
Photogrammetric Computer Vision

Photogrammetric Computer Vision – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-G0-M012 Image Analysis 13-G0-0029-vl Image Analysis

13-G0-0030-ue Image Analysis – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-I1-M002 Steel Construction III – Detailing and Design of Steel Structures 13-I1-0013-vl
Steel Construction III – Detailing and Design of Steel Structures

Steel Construction III – Detailing and Design of Steel Structures – Exercise
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13-I1-M003 Steel Construction IV 13-I1-0015-vl
Ultimate Load Design

Torsion/Lateral Torsional Buckling

Ultimate Load Design – Seminar
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J1-M010 Design of Safety Critical Systems in Railway Engineering 13-J1-0010-vl
Design of Safety Critical Systems in Railway Engineering
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J2-M023 Management of Traffic Infrastructure II 13-J2-0023-vl Management of Traffic Infrastructure II 3 more info
Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J2-M025 Special Topics of Traffic Infrastructure Managemen 13-J2-0025-vl Special Topics of Traffic Infrastructure Managemen 3 more info
Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-J3-M002 Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering II 13-J3-0007-vl Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering II

13-J3-0011-ue Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering II – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K0-M008 Water Treatment Processes 13-K0-0008-vl
Water Treatment Processes

Water Treatment Processes – Exercise
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Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K3-M012 Renewable Energies, Energy scenarios and Climate protection 13-K3-0010-vü
Renewable Energies, Energy scenarios and Climate protection
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13-K3-M016 Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
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13-K5-M009 Water Supply Systems 11-02-3223-vl
Water Supply Systems
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13-K6-M004 Ingenieurpraktikum Wassertechnologie 13-K6-0004-se Ingenieurpraktikum Wassertechnologie 6 more info
Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-K6-M006 Drinking Water 13-K6-0006-vl
Drinking Water

Drinking Water – Exercise
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13-K8-M002 Oxidative Processes in Water Treatment 13-K8-0002-vu
Oxidative Processes in Water Treatment
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13-L1-M007 Integrated Water Management 13-L1-0006-vu
Integrated Water Management
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13-M2-M003 Structural Analysis III 13-M2-0005-vl
Structural Analysis III

Structural Analysis III – Exercise
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13-M2-M007 Cable and Membrane Structures 13-M2-0012-vl Cable and Membrane Structures

13-M2-0013-ue Cable and Membrane Structures – Exercise
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13-M2-M022 Artificial Intelligence for Building Industry 13-M2-0022-ue
Artificial Intelligence for Building Industry -Exercise
Artificial Intelligence for Building Industry
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13-M3-M003 Glass and Polymers I: Glass Structures 13-M3-0002-vu Glass and Polymers I: Glass Structures 6 more info
Modulhandbuch (opens in new tab)
13-M4-M002 Facade Technology I 13-M4-0002-vu
Facade Technology I
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13-B1-M015 Structural Monitoring II 13-B1-0042-vl
Structural Monitoring II

Structural Monitoring II -Exercise
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