Research Map

The following diagram shows how the department is involved in various research fields. You can see the names of the research projects below.

Further information on the research fields can also be found on the central pages of the TU Darmstadt.

3 SmartMembranes – LbL and grafting of nanofiltration membranes Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Engelhart
4 Managing Risk of Water Scarcity Prof. Dr. habil. Britta Schmalz
5 Clubhouse Prof. Stefan Schäfer
6 Online Monitoring of microbial communities in technical systemes Prof. Dr. Susanne Lackner
7 neue Stellwerkslogik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oetting
8 Störfallmanagement Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oetting
9 energiesparsames Fahren Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oetting
10 ETCS Planungslogik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oetting
12 WET – Wärmeenergetische Nutzung von Fließgewässern Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann
13 AktivFlock Prof. Dr. Holger Lutze
14 RePhoRM – Phosphorrecycling Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Engelhart
15 ELISA – Erprobung eHighway auf der A5 Prof. Eva Kaßens-Noor, Ph.D.
16 Development of a modular spiral fishway Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann
17 PaGIE – Partizipative Energietransformation: Innovative digitale Tools für die gesellschaftliche Dimension der Energiewende Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt (Projektleitung, Institut für Politikwissenschaft) / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Linke
18 WieBauin – Wiederverwendung von Baumaterialien innovativ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Linke
40 GNOSIS Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Liselotte Schebek
41 DELTA Vertretungsprofessur Dr.-Ing. Miriam Schuster
42 SynErgie Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack
43 PeatSens Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorota Iwaszczuk
Development of a modular fish transfer system based on the siphon principle Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann
Potential Assessment for Hydrothermal Heat Supply in Marburg an der Lahn Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann
Development of a mobile micro hydropower converter for use in emerging and developing countries Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann
38 WeMi – 3D-Druck und Nachbehandlung Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Lange
39 Space-Continous Structural Health Monitoring with TLS+UAV Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Eichhorn
51 Formlight Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Lange
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack
52 3DDenkmalziegel Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack