Project name
Smart Cleaning with the Use of Drones
Project partner
Technische Universität Darmstadt: Institut für Konstruktives Gestalten und Baukonstruktion
TU Darmstadt, Department of Geodetic Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology
01.11.2021 bis 31.12.2021
FOREX – Forschungsförderungsprogramm Externe Mittel des Fachbereichs 13 TUDa
Research Field
Interdisciplinary Science (E+E > Energy + Environment, I+I > Information + Intelligence M+M > Matter + Materials)
Project content
The façades of a building significantly shape its architecture and appearance. However, in times of high energetic requirements for thermal building envelopes, aesthetic problems in the form of algae growth are increasingly occurring. Currently the cleaning of algae-covered façades is carried out manually and often requires not only cleaning technology but also specialized auxiliary equipment (e.g. scaffolding). Particularly in the case of high and inaccessible façades, this results in considerable additional costs and a significant time commitment, which are often disproportionate to the added value of the cleaning measure.
The objective of the envisaged research project is to further develop and test the md4-1000 drone model from Microdrones, which is already available at the GMSS department of TU Darmstadt, with the aim of enabling focused and targeted façade cleaning (smart cleaning) via remote access. To this end, different cleaning concepts will be technologically developed before deciding on a preferred concept. Based on this concept, the system architecture and derived blueprints for a cleaning unit that can be attached to the drone will subsequently be developed. Lastly, the physical implementation including technical testing and optimization will be carried out.