Research project PLASTRAT
Project name Strategies for the reduction of urban plastic emissions into limnic systems
Coordination Chair of Material Flow Management and Resource Economy
Project partner
  • affiliated partners
    • Universität der Bundeswehr München (UBM)
    • aquadrat ingenieure GmbH (a2i)
    • Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG)
    • Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (UF)
    • inge GmbH (inge)
    • ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE)
    • IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gemeinnützige GmbH (IWW)
    • Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung (IOW)
    • Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)
    • TU Darmstadt (TUDA)
  • associated partners
    • Autobahndirektion Südbayern
    • CARAT GmbH
    • DWA Landesverband Bayern
    • Entsorgungsbetriebe der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden
    • Gemeindliche Einrichtungen und Abwasser Holzkirchen
    • Kelheim Fibres GmbH
    • Münchner Stadtentwässerung
    • PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V.
    • Stadt Weißenburg in Bayern
    • Stadt Weiterstadt -Eigenbetrieb Stadtwerke
Duration 01.09.2017 – 31.12.2020
Grantor Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project content Connecting element of all studies within PLASTRAT is the development of solution strategies for the sustainable limitation of plastic residues propagation in the aquatic environment on technical, environmental and socio-ecological levels. Main objective is the jointly development of a multi-criteria assessment approach for the environmental compatibility of different types of plastic. In addition, a seal of quality for practical applications shall be developed from this. Emphasis will be put on the analysis and evaluation of degradation levels of various types of plastic as well as leaching, adsorption, and desorption in different wastewater treatment stages, the effects of different plastic species (in different degradation levels) and their additives on aquatic organisms of limnic systems as well as a risk characterisation of human toxicological effects of micro plastics on the consumers of drinking water. The focus will also be on the quantification and technical reduction potential (e.g. use of membrane technology) of plastic emissions in the field of urban water management including sewage sludge treatment under consideration of sampling, sampling preparation, and analysis methods. Furthermore, studies concerning the social relevance shall be conducted, i.e. how plastic is handled in German households, which requirements consumers put on plastics, what possibilities exist for the use of substitutes, and which effects this entails on trade, logistics, and consumers.