Faster, easier, better – Life Cycle Modelling in the Information Age

Research project : LC IT Age

Project name Faster, easier, better – Life Cycle Modelling in the Information Age
Acronym LC IT Age
Project partner
  • TU Darmstadt – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • TU Darmstadt – Department of Computer Science Data Management Lab (DM)
  • TU Darmstadt – Department of History and Social Science Institute for Political Science (IPS)
Duration 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023
Grantor Merck Sustainability Hub
Project content The overarching objective of the project is a framework for implementing novel approaches from IT in LC modelling as part of sustainability management of companies, reflecting the rationality and contentedness of indicators needed for reporting and communication schemes. LC modelling is understood as all methodologies based on the principles of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), providing quantitative indicators for environmental issues. The project will investigate the dependency between data acquisition and indicator selection based on LCA methodology from two perspectives. First, from the IT perspective an overview and typology of novel IT approaches will be derived and mapped with possible application areas within the LCA methodology. Second, from the political science perspective, the origins, politicization and technical functions of science- based indicators will be explored in order to evaluate their relevance for companies on different levels and for different stakeholders and to provide criteria for indicator selection in a long-term strategic thinking.