Research project ArePron
Acronym ArePron
Coordinator TU Darmstadt, Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen (PTW)
Project partner
Duration 17.01.2018 – 31.12.2020
Grantor Projektförderung im Rahmen des Operationellen Programms für die Förderung von Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Hessen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) 2014 bis 2020 (IWB-EFRE-Programm Hessen)

Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturbank Hessen
The goal of the transfer project ArePron is to increase the resource efficiency of industrial production processes through intelligent, agile and cross located networks and continuous monitoring of entire production systems using Industry 4.0 technologies. In this way, a company's environment-related impacts are to be reduced in the long term through improved exploitation of resource efficiency potentials.

In industrialized countries, the majority of material and energy resources are used in industrial processes and services. Increasing resource efficiency in industry is therefore an important and necessary factor in reducing global resource consumption. Nevertheless, in industrial production processes exists usually neither an overview nor a basis for evaluating the use and consumption of resources. In the project, these consumption levels will be made measurable and represented in a “common currency” in order to make it possible to compare the various resources. For the analysis and evaluation of resource consumption, an information and communication platform is set up, which enables the allocation of concrete resource consumption to individual structural components. The focus here is explicitly on the integral view of a production network. The project is theoretically developed in the form of a process model and is also implemented in practice. For this purpose, a production network between ETA-Fabrik and Prozesslernfabrik CiP will be set up and operated on the Campus Lichtwiese of the TU Darmstadt. In a further step, the knowledge gained is made available to industry in a project-parallel transfer of results and methods.

Building on its expertise in the environmentally sound development of industrial processes, SuR is working on the life-cycle-based analysis of the energy and material resources used in the research project. In addition, a key figure-based methodology for evaluating resource use and the associated ecological impacts of the agile production network is being developed.”
