Picture: UNITE!Picture: UNITE!
ULISSES goes into the 3rd round
Interdisciplinary research project for all Unite! students
Unite! students have until the 15th of January to apply to take part in an interdisciplinary real-life research project for the solution of an important challenge related to the sustainability of the Oceans. ULISSES – University of Lisbon Interdisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Environment and Seas is a project that will provide students with a deep knowledge of ocean related problems.
Attention! Consultation hour on 15.12.2022 in the study office is cancelled!
Mrs. Zielke and Mr. Heinz only available again from 16.12.
Please note that the office hours of Mrs. Zielke and Mr. Heinz will be cancelled on 15.12.2022. If you have any problems with the exam registration, please contact me today in writing via the contact form. Thank you very much.
Offer of lecture modules in the compulsory optional area WiSe 2020/21
To all students: For our elective area we collect advertising material for events, which we summarize for you in a website. The site is dynamic – we are always adding content.
Graduation Scholarship
Apply now!
Are you an international student at TU Darmstadt? Have you already submitted your final thesis registration or are planning to do so within the next 6 months? Then gather your application documents and apply for the Graduation Scholarship!
Unity Workshop – Register now!
Interdisciplinary Unity Workshop for students of TU Darmstadt and TU Graz from 22 to 25 November 2022
We teach you how to create an interactive VR game from a digital building model (BIM)! During a workshop week, you will get to know the game engine Unity and develop an immersive multiplayer application together with students from TU Graz/Austria.
New course offering for Unite! students
Start der Herbstserie “Unite! virtuelle Sprachkurse und globale Kompetenz”
The Unite! Multilingual and Multicultural Training Center is launching a new fall series of “Unite! virtual language and global competence courses.” The courses offer all Unite! students the opportunity to improve their global competence as well as their ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with people from different backgrounds. The courses take place online so that students from partner universities can learn together and improve their skills in some of the nine official languages of the University Alliance.
Multilingual writing groups for STEM students.
Are you currently writing your bachelor's or master's thesis in a STEM subject? Do you need more motivation and structure for writing? Would you like more feedback on your texts and rough drafts? Then join one of our new writing groups #writeTUgether.
We are looking for E-Buddies for international students! Extended application!
apply until July 31st!
Do you enjoy working with international fellow students? We are looking for engaged student E-Buddies for the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering!
To our students: Study office only partially staffed
Please note: due to illness our study office is not fully available until further notice.
Site visit of the renovation of the pavilion of the Hessenwald school in Weiterstadt
An excursion of the Institute KGBauko on 12.7.2022
Dear students, we are pleased to invite you to the site visit of the Hessenwaldschule in Weiterstadt, which will be organized by the KGBauko Institute together with the Passive House Institute and Da-Di-Werk Eigenbetrieb für Gebäude- und Umweltmanagement des Landkreises Darmstadt-Dieburg on 12/07/22.