TU meet & move 2023
An alle Studierende und Beschäftgte der TU: Herzliche Einladung zum Campusfest
Dear students, dear employees of the TU Darmstadt, On May 23, 2023, TU Darmstadt will once again present itself in all its diversity at our popular sports and health festival “TU meet & move”. We would like to cordially invite you to this event.
To our students
Please note the changes in office hours in the study office
Dear students! Please note: in the period from 17.05. up to and including 07.06.2023 all office hours with Mrs. Hochstatter in the study office will be cancelled.
To our students
Please note the changes in office hours in the study office
Dear students! Please note: in the period from 15.05. to 02.06.2023 all office hours with Mrs. Zielke in the study office will be cancelled.
Academic graduation ceremony on May 5, 2023
Congratulations to all graduates!
Congratulations to all graduates of our department! We wish you all the best for your future path. We are happy that so many celebrated with us last Friday.
The TU student survey is running again
join now!
The TU student survey 2023 is now open! You have received an invitation with your personal TAN to the Stud-Mail address.
Hydraulic engineering excursion
quickly secure a seat!
For master students of civil and environmental engineering, geodesy and the SUD program. Period: Monday, 24.07.2023 until Friday, 28.07.2023
“Out of the box” – Go Out Country Fair
May 10, 2023 – International Day for Study Abroad at Karo5
On May 10, 2023, the International Affairs Department will once again organize an information day on studying abroad. Embedded in the Europe Weeks 2023, students of the TU Darmstadt can inform themselves about the various possibilities of a stay abroad.
News from Environmental Engineering!
Our lecture series “Neues aus der Umwelttechnik” is designed to explore the latest research questions, relevant topics, and methodological solutions to complex environmental problems. We invite external experts to speak on topics such as Circular Economy, Wastewater Technology, and Water Supply
Here you can find some news about UNITE!
The interdisciplinary ring lecture starts again
Lectures on research in mathematics, nature,society and technology will take place: in the summer semester 2023 Tuesdays from 17:15 to 18:45 hrs. Lecture hall S1/05 122 (Maschinenhaus)