Prof. Sorin Huss Fund for Students with Children
The Family Service Office would like to draw your attention to the Prof. Sorin Huss Fund, which supports students with children in financing childcare. Especially in Corona times, students with child(ren) have faced the particular challenge of balancing childcare and family responsibilities with your studies. In recent months, regular childcare has often been cancelled and individual solutions have had to be found, which students have to cope with financially in addition.
2G (vaccinated or recovered) wristbands for written exams at TU Darmstadt
The state of Hesse has made changes to the Coronavirus Protection Ordinance (Coronavirus-Schutzverordnung) at short notice; 3G (vaccinated, recovered, tested) controls are now also required for written examinations. For easier 3G control, there will be wrist bands for students with 2G (vaccinated, recovered) status at the TU Darmstadt. This means that only the wristband has to be shown at the entrance to the examination room, and a further check will only take place for examinees without wristbands. Please help to facilitate the 3G control. Please remember to bring your photo ID (ID card, passport or driver's license) anyway for the attendance check in the exam.
Picking up the graduation documents (certificate and diploma) at the study office of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dear students, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pick up your graduation documents in person at the study office of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering starting in November.
Apply now as a mentor for international students!
Dear Master's students in department 13, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Do you enjoy working with international fellow students? We are looking for new committed student mentors from our department!
examination registration
From 15.11. to 15.12.2021
Dear students, From 15.11. to 15.12.2021 , the examination registration period of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering runs for technical and study examinations. This registration period also applies to the technical examinations of the Department of Mathematics. Please note that examinations offered by other departments may have their own registration periods. We would like to point out that it is not possible to register for examinations after the registration period has expired. In case of registration problems, please contact the Office of Student Affairs (Studienbüro des Fachbereichs) immediately via the contact form . Yours sincerely Study Office FB 13
lecture „Toward the Integration of Modern Techniques for Sediment-Related Hazard Assessment and for Mitigation against the Causal Disaster”
“Money, money, money – How can I finance my studies?”
A lecture series of the Institute of Geotechnics
The Social Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk will again organize the online event “Money, money, money – How can I finance my studies?” on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021 from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Various speakers will provide information about the options for financing your studies. The topics covered include parental support, BAföG, scholarships, loans, jobbing, housing subsidies and other social benefits. The event is aimed at all prospective students and students. It is free of charge and will be held in German. You can find more information here on our website: www.stwda.de/money We are looking forward to your participation!
Examination views at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
With the introduction of the 3G proof for courses and examinations at the TU Darmstadt as of 18.10.2021, the same regulations apply at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for written examinations, i.e. optionally an offer with 3G proof or in digital form without restriction to retries by the departments.
„English for Civil Engineers II“ (41-21-0276) – Modulangebot im WiSe 21/22
Dear Students, You have the opportunity to enroll in one of two courses, “English for Civil Engineers II a” (digital instruction Tuesdays, 6:05 p.m., beginning Nov. 9, 2021) or “English for Civil Engineers II a” (digital instruction Thursdays, 6:05 p.m., beginning Nov. 11, 2021) in the “English for Civil Engineers II” module (41-21-0276) between Oct. 28 and Nov. 3, 2021. These courses are at the B2/C1 level and require a score above 65 on the placement test.
Unite! Virtual Fair for students
Build your global competencies
At the Unite! Virtual Fair on November 3, students can get to know the diverse offerings of the European University Alliance.