Buddies for international students wanted!
application deadline: 25.2.2024
Do you enjoy working with international fellow students? We are looking for engaged student Buddies from the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering!
To our students
Please note the change in office hours at the Office of Student Affairs: on 21.02.2024 postponement of office hours with Ms. Hochstatter
Dear students, Please note: on 21.02.2024 the consultation hour with Ms. Hochstatter in the study office will be postponed to 13-15 hrs.
To our students
Please note the change in office hours at the Office of Student Affairs: on 01.02.2024 the office hours with Mr. Heinz will be canceled
Dear students, Please note: on 1.2..2024 the consultation hours with Mr. Heinz unfortunately have to be canceled.
To our students
Please note the change in office hours at the Office of Student Affairs: on 30.01.2024 the office hours with Ms. Zielke and Mr. Heinz will be canceled
Dear students, Please note: on 30.01.2024 the consultation hours with Ms. ZIelke and Mr. Heinz unfortunately have to be canceled due to illness.
How can you combine important future skills with your studies?
Find out in the new 5 CP module “fuTUre skills – self-reflection as a method for sustainable skills and personality development”!
fuTUre skills – self-reflection as a method for sustainable skills and personality development
Replacement module for GPEK II for PO change
From the summer semester 2024, the Department of Biology will offer a new 5 CP module on Future Skills in the general studies/interdisciplinary area. Registration is now possible in TUCaN. A digital information event will take place in Zoom on 31.01.2024. !Important for Bachelor students of FB13: If you want to change from PO 2014 to PO 2021, you need a replacement module for GPEK II. This module would be credited for this!
To our students
Please note the change in office hours at the Office of Student Affairs: between 27.12.2023 and 12.1.2024 there will be no office hours with Ms. Hochstatter
Dear students, Please note: in the period between 27.12.2023 and 12.01.2024 the consultation hours with Ms. Hochstatter in the study office will be canceled.
To our students
Please note the change of office hours at the Office of Student Affairs: next office hours with Ms. Sauerwein again on 17.1.2024 Bitte beachten Sie die Änderung der Sprechzeit im Studienbüro: Ausfall der Sprechstunde am 22.11. bei Frau Sauerwein
Dear students! Please note: the next consultation hour with Ms. Sauerwein will take place on 17.1.2024
To our students
Please note the change in office hours at the Office of Student Affairs: Cancellation of office hours on 13.12. with Mr. Heinz and on 14.12. with Ms. Zielke and Mr. Heinz
Dear students!, Please note: on 13.12.2023 the face-to-face consultation hours with Mr. Heinz in the study office will be canceled. On 14.12. the telephone consultation hours with Ms. Zielke and Mr. Heinz will be canceled.
100 days of studying – Welcome to the university jungle! on 16 and 17.1.2024
Check&Connect – an event organized by the Central Student Advisory Service
Dear first semester students, We would like to invite you to our event “100 days of studying: Check&Connect” so that you don't lose track. Here you will get to connect with the various contact points that will support you during your studies. From questions about the further course of your studies and tips on academic work to financing issues or help in immediate crises – we will shed light on the darkness and show you where you can find the best resources to make your academic journey a success.