Reinforcement wanted!
Apply for the social media team!
Do you enjoy social media and could you imagine working for the department on Instagram and Facebook? Then we are looking forward to getting to know you!
To our students: Third exam advising
Advice for students in the third attempt
The Office of Student Affairs of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers a third examination consultation for all students who have failed a first repeat examination (subject examination) and are facing a final third attempt (according to § 31 of the General Examination Regulations (APB) taking into account the cancellation of third examinations according to § 33b APB).
Unite! VECP on Architecture Engineering
apply now!
Unite! VECP on Architecture Engineering is a Virtual Exchange Credit Program (VECP) in Unite! – the University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering. Students in Architecture and Civil engineering from Aalto-yliopisto and Technical University of Darmstadt can select one or more online courses offered by the other universities and gain credits.
Student assistants wanted
Study Office Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
We are seeking assistance in a variety of roles in our Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Student Services Office.
Last Call to apply for Unite!4Future
Share your vision of the university of the future and win a trip to Grenoble!
Gather a team of students in Unite! universities, prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future, send it to us before the 15th of May and compete with other teams to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Grenoble INP |UGA for the Unite!4Future Week.
Welcome back!
our study office is again available for you in presence
April marks the start of a semester of attendance and we are also beginning the transition to more attendance in the Office of Student Affairs. After the Easter vacations, i.e. from April 25, 2022, we will be there for you as follows (see table enclosed):
Picture: WiB, Kira Weise, Marc ZeitlerPicture: WiB, Kira Weise, Marc Zeitler
Our two instructional videos on the production of precast concrete elements and ready-mix concrete are ready!
The two videos from concrete practice complete our instructional video collection of the event “Construction and Building Materials”.
As part of the HDA's “Student E-Learning Experts” program, our project to create instructional videos for the course “Materials in Civil Engineering” was funded. The last two videos from concrete practice now complete our collection of short explanatory videos on various test methods of fresh and hardened concrete properties, among other things, and successfully conclude our e-learning project.
Global Challenges lecture series on societal transformation
The focus of the interdisciplinary lecture series is on societal transformation processes for a transition towards a sustainable future. The event is offered in a hybrid format. Guest students can only participate digitally.
Campus tour @ TU Darmstadt Stadtmitte in cooperation with ESG
An event of the Studierendenwerk
Let's explore the TU Darmstadt Campus Stadtmitte together before the start of the attendance semester!
To our students
PO21 documents
from April 18, 2022 you will find the semester updated documents in the download area of the Office of Student Affairs.